Navigating the challenges of caring for someone with a low-vision diagnosis can be a concern, especially when it comes to ensuring their safety and ability to move without the risk of falls or injuries. Many individuals with low vision often depend on the assistance of a "human guide," and you may already play a crucial role in that capacity for your loved one. If your relative also uses a cane, it not only provides additional environmental information but also serves as a visual cue to others, enhancing consideration and reducing the risk of accidental bumps.
Seeking assistance from orientation and mobility specialists can empower your loved one with the strategies needed to navigate environments independently. Consult your doctor for a referral and verify coverage under Medicare for these services.
If you find yourself grappling with the challenges of caring for a loved one with low vision in the Upstate area, the experts at Connections to Care understand the delicate balance between independence and concern. Reach out to us at (864) 549-0023, and let us help you find the right support for your unique situation.